Sign Letter

LED Sign Letter

“Midea” Pixel LED Sign Letter Project

Project Details:

Place: China
Date: December, 2017
Product: Pixel RGB LED Modules

The “Midea” Sign letter Project utilizes advanced Pixel control technology to enhance the intelligence and user experience of our home appliances. Designed to offer a seamless and intuitive touch experience, our advanced technology brings a new level of precision and smart interaction to your appliances. With a focus on durability and broad compatibility, the led Module enhances both the functionality and elegance of brand images and attract more clients

Sign Letter
Sign Letter
Sign Letter
Sign Letter

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Written by : Sophia Ng

Hey there! This is Sophia Ng, Worked for Sunroleds with 15 years in the industry, specializing in sales and marketing.

I'm committed to excellence and always aim to exceed expectations. Outside of work, I enjoy traveling and exploring traditional Chinese culture.

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